Top 10 reasons why you might need a new website

Have you looked at your website through the eyes of your customers recently?

Does it really do your holiday business justice and inspire guests to book their holiday with you?

For many people these days, their iPads or Smart Phones have become a permanent fixture – an integral part of their busy lives, with mobile, “always on” access, a way of life.  There is an expectation of finding whatever you need – whether text, images or videos – on any subject, within seconds.

People are no longer prepared to wait for information – if they cannot find what they need, when they need it, they will bounce off and try someone else’s site. Harsh but true.

Another major shift in online communication is the strangle hold that the search companies and social media platforms have established, which means that you need to understand the game and play by their rules, or your target audience may not even see your website!

Here are a few quick tips to help you identify whether your current website is hampering your online success.

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Did your 2016 resolutions include “sorting out your website”?

Being professional web developers and owners of a large self-catering cottage business, we are astonished at the lack of importance that many cottage owners attribute to their websites!  It is the shop window for your business and as such should be easy to find and as inviting and attractive as possible!

Following the last round of Google search changes and with mobile and tablet access now the norm, it is more important than ever to have:

  • A mobile friendly and responsive website design which is easy to navigate
  • Engaging content which is SEO optimised and directly relevant to your target audience
  • Active dynamic, social media channels integrated with your website

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